Increase Your Sales and Boost SEO with Unique Product Description

Increase Your Sales and Boost SEO with Unique Product Description

Increase Your Sales and Boost SEO with Unique Product Description

There are many retailers and sellers online who overlook and ignore the power of product description. They simply load bulk products and images, without any product description to it. There are some sellers who work on product description, but since they have bulk products, therefore, they do not add the unique description of their products, instead add similar highly generic information that can match with every product. Though it looks easy to write the convenient standardized description for all the products it affects your sales volume and lacks in the SEO of your product page.

Many sellers also overlook the importance of SEO of their product page. It is evident that for high-volume sales, search engine optimization helps in growing and expansion of your business, not only through organic search but also helping in conversion on a wider scale. There are many successful stories covering e-commerce online stories where after proper SEO, the sales boost to more than 100%. By including phenomenal product description, they were able to boost their sales more than 150%.

With the prime importance of product description and SEO building, here are some tips and tricks to write marvelous content for attention grabbing and link building.

Usage of Relevant Keywords

Using relevant keywords in your content is something you have always heard of. But, using appropriate keywords in your product description when it comes to SEO, then it is the most necessary thing. If you are hoping to increase the traffic on your website with a mature sales lead, you ought to think like a customer, evaluating their expectations from you and your business. You need to imagine what keywords they are going to type on Google when they are looking for some specific product or service which you too offer.

For example, if you are selling jackets where you offer original as well as celebrity inspired attires, then you need to think what your customer might write on Google search engine to reach to your specific product. Your customer can write like, genuine leather jackets or Jack Sparrow studded brown jacket etc. When you are using relevant keywords on your web page, the search engine will read the customers input and will display your web page too while matching this keyword.

Never Leave any Question Unanswered

There are certain questions that are required to be answered, and customers try to find those answers in the product description. Make sure to answer some critical questions in your product description that can convince your customer to choose you upon other competitors and helping them be more confident and less confused. The questions include:

Who is going to use this product?

What are the ingenious features and detailing of this product?

Where this product can be used?

When it is possible to use this product?

Why your product is superior to that of the competitor?

How the product is supposed to be used?

If all these answers are available in your content then there are higher chances of sales and profit maximization for your business.

Enable Product Reviews

One of the greatest ways to engage your customers is by allowing them to write reviews for your product. There are more than 80% of customers who make a purchase decision after reading product reviews of past or current users of that same product or service they are deciding to purchase. Through reviews on the product from other users, your customer feels the assurance of the quality and reliability of the product. Via a product review, the customer feels the satisfaction of endorsement from other users and this helps in expanding purchase decision with loyalty and trust.

To the Point Description

There are many sellers who are not fully aware of the product or service they are offering. They are not sure how the product actually works and what dimensions it actually have, hence ends up in writing vague information. When you are not sure about your product, i.e. vague information regarding your product then you are never supposed to write true product description as well, resulting in unhelpful and unconvincing information to the customers, leading to ultimate failure of product rejection instead of product purchase.

Don’t Mix Product Features with Product Benefits

Product features are the characteristics of the product that usually describes its appearance, its main components and the capabilities it has. Whereas product benefit is actually the value a customer realizes after acquiring the product or service. When defining both in the product description, many sellers mix them both which is absolutely a wrong way. In the product features, clearly define the characteristics your product have, along with the capabilities it has and later define how it can be beneficial for them to use.

For example, this juice has Vitamin A and E in it and it is made with 100% natural ingredients (product features). With this drink feel energetic and reinvigorate your mornings with a splash of freshness and brightness (product benefit).

Unique Product Description with New Keywords for Better SEO

All the ecommerce development companies forbidden duplication of content when it comes to proper SEO. If you put same product description with same keywords in every of your product web page, the Google bot will get confused and will never rank all the pages, instead, it will randomly select one page marking it as original content and the rest will be neglected for optimization and ranking. This indexing problem from Google may lead to utter failure of your business as not every web page of your website could become part of search engine.

To make sure this won’t happen, try to make new and unique content for every product with different keywords that don’t collide with other pages, for better SEO results. But if you are not able to write unique product description at the moment, due to the bulk of products, add a ‘no index’ meta tag to all such pages. Once the description is changed, remove the tag allowing the bot to index this page as well.

Include a Call to Action

The final and most influential part of any online shopping store is final sale point, where the visitor is attracted to keep his attention and finally making the purchase. Just for an extra push, there is always a need to encourage the customer with some sense of urgency, helping in grabbing the attention for a longer time. A catchy Call to Action statement with an interactive button throughout your page will make your customer attracted as well as will boost up other sale option from your business point of view.

For example, free shipping ends today, order now and get instant 10% discount, only a few pieces are left, limited items available etc.

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