The Impact of IOT on Mobile App Development

The Impact of IOT on Mobile App Development

The Impact of IOT on Mobile App Development

Internet of Things has a noteworthy image and impact on the technological era of today, and this momentous influence will continue its legacy in the coming decade as well. Being a powerful part, when IOT is infused with mobile capabilities, this technological advancement is set to mark new and momentous milestones to be achieved with greater efficiency. Since the entire concept of IOT is to make things look easier in our lives, therefore by integrating it into our daily lives is ought to give us relaxation with tech peace.

As per the latest survey of Smart Insight, ‘90% of the people are seen spending their time on their smartphones using a mobile application’. Therefore keeping an eye on IOT in 2019 can be beneficial for the businesses and startups for the benefit of their own growth. The best example of the Internet of Things and mobile application integration is an app called ‘Hive’, through which you can easily control your house utilities conveniently using your own smartphone. IOT definitely require such smart software developers who are not simply understanding its use in their applications, but, completely considering Internet of Things science of pure connectivity, with ease. They ought to find a way to connect other than the traditional means of connectivity such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, especially when it is not available for the means of connectivity.

Internet of Things is genuinely changing the way everyone used to get connected. According to 2017 survey, more than 20 billion IOT devices where installed across the globe, which is expected to grow to 36 billion by the end of 2021. In the beginning, it was hard to adopt the change, but with the passage of time and proper awareness, Internet of Things and its connectivity with the mobile application is expected to take huge leaps and bound beyond your imagination.


Minimizing Human Efforts Efficiently

Internet of Things is undoubtedly revolutionary and is reducing human efforts really efficiently. Even for the minor things, IOT is becoming a household easing device. With IOT embedded devices, you can do the minor work such as switching on the air conditioners, fan or lights as well as turning on or off your television. IOT is minimizing human effort with its innovation.

As per Cisco, it is estimated that ‘by the end of 2020, there would be 3.4 IOT embedded devices per person’. Hence, the more the IOT devices, the more IOT embedded mobile applications are required. Now, this is on the developers that how they are using IOT efficiently and effectively for their applications with creative ideas.

More Scope for the Developers

Today, mobile users are searching for more new and fresh ideas that can help them in better connectivity with the objects as well as human beings. Keeping in the view the latest trends and needs and desires of the customers, the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is ought to be made smooth with the interactive and customer-centric layout, helping them in the better understanding of the application and using the benefits it has, efficiently.

‘Smart Watches’ are the perfect example, where developers came up with an innovative idea to link your mobile phone with the watch in your wrist. Through these incredible IOT embedded smartwatches, you can get connected to social world easily, without taking out your phone from the pocket, knowing what message you have received or how is calling you, through these watches, you can track your health too! How much calories you burned through jogging, your oxygen rate or pulse meter. This is all possible with seamless connectivity and uprising of IOT.


Revolutionary Connectivity Solutions

Mobile application developers are already developing new and innovative ways to connect with other IOT embedded devices with great convenience. Today, with a single smartphone, you can easily connect to online gaming, check your surveillance cameras from remote locations via mobile phones, live streaming of music, online shopping and paying off the bills, health connection like tracking your oxygen rate, pulse rate, blood pressure etc.

Customers are looking forward to more and more opportunities and options to get connected with the devices, helping them to control everything right from their palm, while not using some other device.


Wider Connectivity

The inventions and intervention in the new devices are not going to stop at any point. The International Data Corporation (IDC), reports that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is preferred for stronger connectivity of the Internet of Things devices. But, the new technologies, Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) and Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IOT) are deemed to give tough competition though.

Therefore, if the developers want to keep up with the fast technological advancements, then they have to create such applications that are scalable enough with seamless connectivity for the recent and upcoming connectivity mechanisms.


Eagles Eye on the Security

Being an advanced technological thing, IOT does have greater chances of cybercriminals to exploit and affect users’ personal information. Therefore the app developers must focus on the security side of every application before releasing it in the market. In March 2018, the United Kingdom government collaborated with the National Cyber Security Centre for enforcing greater privacy and powerful cybersecurity measures with GDPR and DPA.

Gartner, as per their latest survey, ‘the spending over IOT security is likely to reach to $547 million by the end of 2018 and starting of 2019’. Therefore the developers must understand the need and essentials of cybersecurity with the applications.


Final Verdict

Internet of Things is undoubtedly revolutionizing the world and its influx with mobile application devices are a new road to progress and produce a fortune. Businesses must invest in the mobile applications that are embedded in IOT for their progress and profit yielding.

If you are looking for mobile app development using an IOT technology strategy, Sky Potential UK will help you sort out the things. We are one of the leading mobile application developers who cannot compromise over the quality, scalability and innovation in app development.

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