Crucial Reasons why an E-Commerce Website Fails

Crucial Reasons why an E-Commerce Website Fails

Crucial Reasons why an E-Commerce Website Fails

For a professional looking e-commerce website, there are many aspects to be looked at and cared for. There can be some mistakes from the end of the development company, like not selecting the perfect platform or designing concerns or user interface with the worst user experience. There also can be the reason that the e-commerce site was made by unprofessional or newbie freelancer. But sometimes there are other reasons as well, where the mistakes are with the client, resulting in utter failure of the website and unsuccessful campaign, resulting in complete loss of capital and money. Both the parties, i.e. the developers as well as the client must be on the same page with crystal clear communication, a proper understanding of the project and execution of the project as per the market trends and recent technological advancements.

There are many variables that can make your e-commerce store a complete failure, among them, these are the most crucial and vital mistakes, which is eradicated, might save your online store from loss.

Selling the Wrong Product

One of the biggest reason for website fail is the failure of the product. If you are selling a product that is neither not in demand or is illegal to sell then your business will face consequences right from the beginning. It is a crucial decision that what product or service you are going to offer on your online store.

For example, if you have a website that sells liquor, then it can be a problem as there are many countries where such online stores and sales purchase is forbidden, hence your business will suffer, being operational in few selected countries. Another option is selling weapons, it is definitely illegal all over the world.

Therefore it is necessary to choose wisely that what sort of business is perfect for your survival. Make sure you are selling what it desired by the masses for expanding much target market.

Too Narrow Market

Choosing such product category which becomes too limited also becomes a problem. You will never be able to add value proposition along with offer something unique to your customers. There will come a time when you will run out of options and creativity, resulting in failure of your business. Therefore it is important to choose wisely what products or services you are going to offer and what sort of creativity you can offer in the long run.

For example, in the sector of apparel, you choose to sell jeans pants only, then you are limited with selling jeans pants only, making your market smaller with less profit.

Way Too Expensive Pricing Module

Before quoting your offered prices on your website, always look back at what your competitors are offering. There are many websites that don’t have a ravishing design but are still able to make a lot of money, this is because they are offering relatively lower prices, similarly, there are some websites who have an outstanding design but due to their high prices, they are failing badly. Undoubtedly modish designs and layouts are necessary and their importance can never be underestimated but offering competitive prices helps in staying in the competition and getting cutting-edge advantage from that of your competitors.

Website Not Ranked with Google

The basic motive of perfect search engine optimization (SEO) is to move your website on the top of search results that allows users to find your website easily by using specific keywords. It is studied that nearly 36% user start their product search on Amazon, whereas more than 35% use Google search engine to find their required product. Therefore it is important to list your website, make it SEO friendly and with the help of Google indexing, get your website on top searched for more chances of profit.

Plain Design of Your Online Store

This is evident through a lot of researches and studies that the look of your website is a crucial factor for marking it as a successful online store or not. There are numerous websites that you come across with, where as soon as the website loads, instantly you either cross the web page or hit the back arrow. The reason is simply dull, confusing, frustrating design and color scheme. Due to its sketchy look, you lose your confidence at the instantaneously by believing that the website might be a scam, may steal your credit card information, can hook you up in difficult situations etc. even though if they are a legitimate company, the immediate image of the website will scare you. From a reliable ecommerce web development service provider, make sure to get a perfect up-to-date modern looking website.

Lack of CTA Forms & Buttons

If a customer is adding items to their cart, make every button visible and interactive enough that it cannot be ignored at all. Add ease for your customers by placing call-to-action forms every now and there but precisely, so that customers don’t have to search for the options. Don’t overflow the CTA buttons, damaging the image of the website, but there should be enough CTA buttons that can be used for the benefit of the customer.

Lack of Quality Content

It is important that your website contains appropriate content that is relevant to the product with specific keywords helping in the SEO of the web page. Write quality content that is unique, interactive and eye-catching so that customers can easily understand what you are offering. It neither must be too lengthy nor too short, a medium-sized paragraph is enough for it. It must contain the reasons why to purchase your product along with what benefits the product hold accompanied with it uniqueness that cannot be found by other competitors of yours.

For example, this television has a 32” inch flat screen that has vivid colors and enchanting view, with its powerful speakers add a theater feel when watching movies at home, due to its glossy surface we are offering high-quality stretchable thin cover over it to protect it from dust.

Shipping Cost Too High

It is evident that paying for shipping cost is not only frustrating but also irritating, where the majority of the people hate it. But still, if you are not able to avoid it than the cost should not be too high. There would be no one who is going to pay $20 shipping cost for an item worth $30. Try your level best to lower your shipping cost for the sake of your own business and its success. But still, if you can offer FREE shipping, then trust us, your business has a long way to go.

No Promotional Offers or Discounts

There is a dire need to put promotional offers and bundle deals to your website, ensuring more traffic being attracted towards the site. It would be great to offer some discounts and special offers that can allow your customers to stick with you in the long run. There are many sellers who raise the price of their products to 15% before and then offer a 15% discount, taking them to their original price before. This is known as mind games, as there are some studies that indicate that customers easily get attracted to a sales offer. So if you are not able to lower your price truly, then these tactics can also work for most of the time. Make sure, your promotional offer is easily visible and is placed of perfect position to be noticed.

Low Quality Product Photos

It is a believed fact that a picture is worth a thousand words, so this principle implies everywhere, to your e-commerce online store as well. There are some customers who love to read content i.e. product description whereas there are some customers who love to see the image of the product to decide they are up to purchase it or not. But what if they are trying to look at the image and it is blurry or pixelated or of low quality? There should always be a high-resolution image in support with the ability to zoom with without distorting the pixels. The bonus addition would be if your image can have a 360o rotation so that your customer can see every side of the product.

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