8 Practical Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence for E-Commerce


8 Practical Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence for E-Commerce

The days of treating the shift from a physical store to an online one as a radical transition for a business are long gone. Artificial intelligence in online commerce is a hot trend since it has entirely revolutionised how people shop online.

Despite the widespread publicity, there is a concern. Is it worthwhile to explore the use of AI in e-commerce, and even if possible, does it need to be applied in your e-commerce business immediately?

Hence, if you work in the e-commerce industry in any way, it’s in your best interest to read on.
In this blog, Sky Potentials UK, an artificial intelligence services provider, go through some of the many ways a business can use artificial intelligence with E-commerce.

When it comes to online shopping, how exactly will artificial intelligence make a difference in E-commerce?

Accenture research found that by 2035, AI can increase profitability rates by 38% across 16 industries.

Because of its direct impact on two key areas that significantly affect retail e-commerce, AI will be beneficial to the retail sector: creating clever business decisions and generating a far more personalised shopping experience.

It’s no secret that AI supports e-commerce platforms in better understanding and meeting the requirements of their user base. Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for Ecommerce Marketing are simple to include with open-source e-commerce systems like Magento and WooCommerce.

Top 8 Game-Changing Ways To Use Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce


A growing number of online retailers are using Artificial intelligence to gain a more profound knowledge of their clientele, enhance service, streamline operations, and create more qualified leads.

In what way are they able to accomplish this? See for yourself in the following rundown.

1. AI Supports in Product Suggestions

Big Data (the collecting and compiling data from many channels, previous transactions, and other activities) can help retailers learn about consumer shopping habits and predict future patterns. This study has applications in tailoring product suggestions to each customer.

Artificial intelligence (AI) does more than improve the showcasing of highly customised items; it also evaluates client behaviour and makes sophisticated predictions about what they desire. This information allows businesses to anticipate their customers’ needs better and create a more tailored sales approach.

How Can You Make This Possible?


Most Online retailers use collaborative filtering based on past data and expected trends, a general technique in e-commerce marketing. By examining a large amount of data, AI improves this strategy, and when combined with deep learning, it enables powerful personalisation.

With the help of AIs like IBM’s Watson, you can build a system that learns from customers’ actions and shares that knowledge with you. Amazon is already utilising multiple AI technologies to provide the best possible recommendations for its clients. Machine learning (ML) powers this recommendation engine.

2. Enhanced Search Capabilities using Semantic Analysis

Right now, intelligent consumer engagement for continuous interaction is the best thing we can do when discussing personalisation in light of customer care and e-commerce.

Concerning customisation, the ‘search result’ is a crucial component. With the store’s refined semantic-based site search, shoppers can quickly navigate the store to explore the items they need without going through a walk of irrelevant results. Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced to the point where it can comprehend spoken language, accurately interpret human semantics, and produce valuable results.

How Can You Enhance Your Search Results?


You can go for machine learning algorithms to understand a client’s needs. It successfully reveals the whole meaning of a query and returns the “relevance” based search results.

As one of the biggest online marketplaces, eBay claims to be at the cutting edge of real-world machine learning research and actively work to improve user experience and product search with AI. Microsoft’s Cortana is just one example of how technological progress has made it simpler for consumers to perform searches and locate products that answer their questions as per their query intention and just more than the meaning of their words.

If you want to enhance your search capabilities for your e-commerce platform, we are here to support you. Contact us now for the top artificial intelligence services providers and execute AI in your e-business and build top-notch artificial intelligence strategies as per the needs of your business.

3. Chatbots

There’s a chance that chatbots are the best answer to the problems of customer service. The good news is that modern chatbots can engage with customer databases, extract relevant details, and answer customers in the most timely, relevant, and personalised manner possible.

With rising consumer demands, e-commerce companies find staying up highly challenging. Real rivalry is not only to make profits but to offer the most pleasant shopping experiences and encourage customers to purchase whenever they visit websites.

4. Virtual Assistants

The use of virtual assistants is a fantastic example of how artificial intelligence is being put to good use in online retail. Virtual assistants play a significant role in developing an effective sales procedure. These virtual assistants have two-way conversations with consumers to learn about their tastes and deliver tailored service.

Some of the most advanced virtual assistants available today include Siri, Google Now, and Alexa. Some may argue that virtual assistants have become old-fashioned and losing their usefulness. Nonetheless, there is much space for improvement with the arrival of novel technology and improved integration possibilities.

5. Effective Decision Making at the Business Level

AI is now a realistic goal and no more science fiction. It has matured to the point where it can be integrated straight into the pricing and assortment management systems within e-commerce multiple aspects. When combined with Big Data, the valuable insights from AI tools can help retailers make better choices.

Inventory and Pricing Management


As a result, setting prices for goods is no longer a brainstorming. Using sophisticated learning algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI) can evaluate market dynamics and other significant competitive factors. A company can thrive in a cutthroat market and stay relevant with optimal merchandise pricing. Likewise, AI grasps complex situations very securely or directly for effective inventory control and assortment management. This can only be accomplished when efficiently and quickly evaluating a large quantity of data and getting insights that can be implemented immediately.

Business Analyses

With this data, you can determine your company’s underperforming products and procedures, bringing in more customers and anything that requires readjustments. This way, you can compare your company’s market share, pricing strategy, and growth rate.

These well-considered decisions rest on the efficient Analysis made available by big data.

In What Ways Can You Utilise AI To Have Smart Decisions For Your Business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can leverage data from several sources, including product performance history, to predict future demand, order velocity, and inventory planning. Simultaneously, you can use the collected data to evaluate your company with its competitors.

6. Boosting Cybersecurity

If adequate cybersecurity precautions are not taken, sensitive client information is at risk on e-commerce platforms. Website operators in the e-commerce industry can now utilise AI for security purposes. And here’s how:

Finding Emerging Dangers


In contrast to more conventional software, AI programmes typically improve intelligence when new malware and threats appear. This means that they will be able to identify any attempts at malware or ransomware on your website before they cause any damage.

Blocking Out Bots

To a considerable extent, bots generate today’s internet traffic and pose security risks. Hacking bots can steal user passwords, develop duplicate accounts, and commit data fraud. AI and ML are preferable to manual approaches for dealing with these kinds of risks. You can quickly detect the difference between helpful bots like search engine crawlers and harmful bots that can disrupt your online shop using artificial intelligence in e-commerce.

7. Sales Predictions

Once the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, it became clear that accurate sales projections and inventory management were essential for any company to survive. Artificial intelligence has made it possible for e-commerce enterprises to more accurately predict future sales, allowing them to better plan for inventory needs. Applications like Mintigo use artificial intelligence to forecast sales based on user behaviour, providing helpful insight for business decision-makers.

8. Fighting False Reviews

Your company’s reputation is highly vulnerable to what customers say about it online. A rival or review-writing bot has to post one fake review to completely ruin your brand’s reputation. False reviews, meanwhile, are sometimes a terrible thing.

If a prospective client spots a positive review that turns out to be false, it sends a terrible impression and could cost you the sale. If they feel the product has false reviews, 54% of shoppers will not even consider purchasing it.

It is where AI power in e-commerce shines. As a result, several online retailers are beginning to use AI to combat the spread of fraudulent reviews.

Moreover, Amazon has developed an in-house AI system that can identify a false review by recognising the review’s characteristics. It also raises the prominence of reviews written by verified customers to promote shoppers’ trust in such reviews.


So now that everything is digitalised in the e-commerce world, it’s time for e-commerce businesses to get smarter and take an edge over their peers. For this, AI-based technologies are the key to progress.

If you consider making your business operation more AI-based, we can be your best choice. Besides artificial intelligence services providers, we build the top Artificial Intelligence and IoT technology strategies for your business efficacy. Therefore, make an intelligent decision and call us.

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